RE20 vs RE320 Incredible Comparison

Buy The RE20

Buy The RE320

What is the difference between the RE20 and the RE320. The RE320 is the little brother of the RE20. The RE320 is manufactured in Asia whereas the RE20 is made in America. But the main difference between the two mics is that the RE320 has a brighter sound and it also has a hotter output signal. The RE320 would make a great mic for people who don’t want to do post editing. The RE320 already has a really bright sound so you may not have to do any editing in post to get a finished sound.

Why Is The RE320 Cheaper

The RE320 is cheaper as it is made in Asia and it is made with cheaper components. That is part of the reason why it has a brighter sound. The RE20 is made in America and it is made with more higher end components which gives the mic a flatter and more neutral sound. This neutral sound may not be for everybody. We believe that the RE20 will most likely require some post processing to get the most out of the mic.

Why Would I Pick The RE320

The RE320 has a hotter output signal than the RE20. This means you don’t have to drive your preamps as much which introduces less noise on your recordings. The RE20 may require a Cloudlifter if you don’t have good preamps. This means the RE20 may have more extra costs to get the most out of the mic. The RE320 also has more of a finished sound to it. So, many find that they don’t have to do any post processing to get a good sound. The RE20 has a flatter sound, but it takes post processing better than the RE320 does.

I’m Lost What Mic Should I Get

The RE20 is the better mic so if you have the budget, we recommend buying the RE20. However, the RE320 is no slouch and delivers a really premium sound. Also, post processing is something to consider here. If you can’t apply post processing, or you don’t want to apply post processing, then the RE320 would be the better mic for you. Also, if you don’t have the best preamps to drive the RE20, then the RE320 would be a better choice for you. We hope this cleared some things up. Thanks for reading. Check out our other articles here!

Thomas Shelby – Editor/Audio Engineer