The GOXLR is a perfect solution for many streamers who want to connect their XLR mic to their computer and also have a ton of processing options for their audio. The GOXLR is a Multi-channel mixer with motorized faders that let you control the volume of the mic, game, music, chat, and more for the perfect mix of sound. The GOXLR is not only an audio interface, but it also acts as a channel strip which allows you to add processing such as EQ, compression, limiting, dessing, and a gate. With the GOXLR, you are going to have a ton of processing options and a nice mixer which is perfect for live streaming.
The GOXLR Has Great Preamps

The GOXLR has fantastic studio quality MIDAS preamps which provide 72dB of clean gain. To give you some perspective, the SM7B requires only 60dB of clean gain. So, the GOXLR provides more than enough gain for dynamic mics such as the SM7B. With the GOXLR, you will not need any additionally devices such as the Cloudlifter. This is because the GOXLR provides plenty of clean gain and the preamps are very high quality.
You Can Apply Processing In Real Time

The GOXLR provides free software for you where you can apply processing to your audio in real time. The software allows you to add EQ, compression, limiting, dessing, and a gate. You can also add reverb and pitching effects which is fun to play with. All of these effects are processed in real time which is perfect for streaming. Also, once you setup these settings once, you just launch the software and your settings are saved and already dialed in.
You Can Adjust The Volume Of Different Sources

With the mixer, you can adjust the volume of different programs on fly. Once you set the programs which you want to adjust the volume for, you can adjust the sliders on the mixer. This is a very nice feature for streamers who want to adjust the volume of difference sound sources in real time. This can be very useful for adjusting the volume of your mic, game, music, and chat.
Is The GOXLR Right For Me

The GOXLR is a great solution if you need a preamp, audio interface, and a processing strip. Also. the GOXLR is an excellent device for streamers who want a ton of flexibility with their sound and the ability to process their audio in real time. The GOXLR is also perfect for people who want to use a dynamic mic such as the SM7B. This is because the GOXLR has fantastic preamps and because it has excellent processing features for your sound. The GOXLR is a really incredible piece of gear for streamers who need a complete solution for their audio. Thanks for reading. We hope this helped. Check out our other articles here!