So, what’s the best mic for under $100? Audio-Technica has always made fantastic audio products and the AT2020 is no exception. The AT2020 is probably the best mic you can get in this price range. At $99, it really is a good deal. The mic has a darker sound but it’s really pleasing to the ears. Many streamers use the AT2035 (such as Summit1g) and the AT2035 sounds incredibly similar to this mic. The AT2020 is a steal at a $100 and it’s a great way for newcomers to the audio world to try professional gear without spending a ton of money. The AT2020 is seriously an amazing sounding mic but you will need an audio interface to use it. If you don’t have an audio interface we recommend the Scarlet Solo. But, if you aren’t interested in getting an XLR mic we have a recommendation for a USB mic below.
Listen To The AT2020 For Yourself!
What About The Best USB Mic?
Some of you may not want to invest in an audio interface and that is understandable. So, we have a fantastic USB mic under 100$ which sounds amazing on the voice. The USB mic we recommend is the Blue Yeti Nano. The Blue Yeti Nano is one of the cheaper Blue Yeti’s and it comes out to be about $80. It’s relatively inexpensive for a microphone but it doesn’t sound cheap at all. The Blue Yeti Nano offers a fantastic sound and would be a perfect addition to someone’s setup if they are just starting out. We do believe the AT2020 sounds better and there is a USB version of the AT2020 which is the AT2020+ and it sounds awesome. However, the USB version of the AT2020 is $150 which is slightly over budget. We believe that the upgrade from the Blue Yeti would be worth it but if you need to stay under $100 this mic would suite you perfectly. Also, the Blue Yeti and the Blue Yeti Nano use the same capsule so the sound is almost identical.
Listen To The Blue Yeti Nano
Should I Go USB Or XLR?
That depends on your situation and your budget. If you don’t have an audio interface already and you only have a $100 to spend then we recommend you go the USB route. If you already have an audio interface then we recommend you stick with the XLR mics as they offer better studio quality. But, don’t discredit the USB mics, they sound seriously good. Many people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a USB mic and an XLR mic just by listening to them. The USB mics have improved tremendously over the years and some of them are so good that even trained professionals can have a difficult time finding out if they are XLR mics are not. The bottom line is that USB mics sound good but going the XLR route would future-proof your setup. But, don’t let that hold you back from buying a USB mic. Sometimes, the best thing to do is just buy what you can afford so you can start recording as soon as possible. Just start recording! Thanks for the read! Cheers! Buy the AT2020 here and buy The Blue Yeti Nano here. And, check out our other news stories here.