The Rode PodMic is a newer mic that entered the market in late 2019. The mic has been a huge success because it is priced so reasonably well and it sounds fantastic on the voice. The Rode PodMic is perfect for podcasters and streamers who want the sound of a dynamic mic without spending a ton of money on extra gear such as Cloudlifters or Fetheads. The Rode PodMic has an incredible sound for the price and we highly recommend giving this mic a try. Lets dive in a bit deeper and find out why this mic is such a good deal.
The Rode PodMic Is Very Cheap

The Rode PodMic is one of the cheapest dynamic microphones on the market. Currently, the mic is priced at around $100 which is an incredible deal for a dynamic microphone. The PodMic also doesn’t require any extra gear. Usually, dynamic mics such as the SM7B require a lot of extra gear to get it to sound good. With the PodMic, you don’t need a Cloudlifter. All you need is an audio interface and your good to go. The Scarlet Solo is the perfect choice with the PodMic and that is what we would recommend as a good starter interface.
The PodMic Is A Dynamic Microphone

The PodMic is a dynamic mic which is perfect for rejecting room noise in a live environment. With dynamic mics, you are able to reject many different kinds of noises such as keyboard clicks, mouse clicks, and fans. This comes in handy when you are recording something and you don’t want to worry about doing a lot of editing. Also, dynamic mics are incredibly good for streaming as they block out so much of that environment noise. Dynamic mics focus on picking up audio from one area which eliminates a lot of the background noises.
It Sounds Really Good

During our testing, the PodMic sounded really exceptional. Did it sound as good as the SM7B? No, but that is a $400 mic and that isn’t including the extra gear you might need to get it to sound the best. The PodMic sounded really good and it gave a lot of mics a run for their money. The PodMic has a more open sound than the SM7B and slightly more clarity. However, it lacked the low end that the SM7B offers. However, the PodMic sounds very good and for what you are paying you are getting a fantastic value.
Is The PodMic Right For You
The PodMic is a great choice for someone who is just getting started in the wonderful world of microphones. It rivals a lot more expensive mics such as the Rode Procaster. We recommend buying the PodMic if you don’t have a dynamic microphone yet and you want one the gives you an incredible sound with a great price tag. The PodMic sounded incredible on the voice and you would be hard pressed to find a better deal for this good of a sound. We hoped this helped. Thanks for reading. Check out our other articles here.